Tickets on Sale: 1:30PM Draw Commencing 2:30PM Face painting 12:30PM-4:30PM
Noms Opened: 21/4/2022 Noms Closed: 2/5/22 Noms Drawn: 3/5/22 Chmp Commences: 12/5/22 Contd: 19/5/22 Contd: 26/5/22
Noms Opened: 28/4/2022 Noms Closed: 30/5/2022 Noms Drawn: 31/5/2022 Chmp Commences: 16/6/2022 Contd: 23/6/2022 Contd: 28/7/2022
Carlo Dragon Regular Menu Available
Noms Opened: 12/5/22 Noms Closed: 13/6/22 Noms Drawn: 14/6/22 Chmp Commences: 30/6/22 Contd: 7/7/22 Contd: 14/7/22 21/7/2022
Game: 1 June 8, Game: 2 June 26 & Game: 3 July 13
7.30pm to 10.30pm Saturday 13 August and 27 August
Saturday 8th October 2022 Live Entertainment with The Rocker Covers 7.00pm to 11.00pm Sporting everything from the 60's to the Naughties, Classic Rock & POP Anthems. Saturday 15th October 2022 Live Entertainment on the Bowling Green The Rocker Covers 6.30pm to 10.30pm Sporting everything from the 60's to the Naughties, Classic Rock & POP Anthems.
Music on the Green The Rocker Covers 6.30pm to 10.30pm 60’s to the Naughties Classic Rock & Pop Anthems.
Tuesday Night December 6, 13 & 20 Tickets on Sale: 6.30pm Drawn: 7.30pm Members Cash Jackpot Draw will be conducted as normal.
Ideal for 35 plus age group songs ranging from pub rock, country, retro, ballads, rock n roll.
WIN $200 GIFT VOUCHER OF YOUR CHOICE FROM PIT STOP RECHARGE Swipe your card on entry, receive ticket and place in the barrel.
FREE Trivia @ Carlingford every Thursday night.